Gee (2017)
A live sound sculpture for harp & computer. A sound field that allows diving into a frozen picture. The harpists play a durational sequence while it is tuned to the Bayat Maqam (quarter tones). She has a communication language with the computer player that operates a set of effects on her that hatches from 8 loudspeakers, floating with ropes a few centimeters from the floor and around the audience, moving like a thick cloud in space in a 3-dimensional way from speaker to speaker.
It was created in a residency at the MASH center, funded by Mifal Hapais, and premiered at Israel Festival 2017.
Performed at the Jerusalem Theater, the Karnaf Theater Jerusalem, at Suzanne Dellal Center & at Shamans of Sound Festival, TEO.
Composer: Matan Daskal
Harp: Tal Vaknin / Computer: Asaf Meidan
Art director: Tom Love / Graphic design: Efrat Solomon
Video: Malu Zayon, Shalev Ne'eman