The Makers (2018)
Choreographer: Iris Erez
In this project Iris is aiming to search the option of dancing the space, making the actual body vibrate its surrounding, becoming an environmental body. In doing so to question our ability to resist our environment, surrender to it and change it. What is between utopia and dystopia in the actual dancing body? In the gap between the will to move "out of here" and the will to move "from here" maybe lies the possibility to create a change (in Hebrew: "to dance a change") in a deep sense.
A piece for 27 dancers and 27 iPhones
The work premiered at the Bat Yam International Festival of Street, Theater and Art 2018 and in collaboration with Heaven and Earth Festival 2018
It is part of the residency program of Tights: Dance & Thought residency program and Kelim Center Residency program 2018.
Choreography: Iris Erez
Performers: Maya Tamir, Or Ashkenazy, Zuki Ringheart, Gal Gurfong, Kim Taitelbaum, Tamar Kisch,Yuval Gal, Yarin Yossef, Mica Kupfer, Shira Marek, Sivan Sheltzer, Matan Taufik, Dina Meir, Lihi vegemister, Tama Castel, Yael Idan, Tamar Binyamini, Yair Barabash, Hagar Dromi, Noga Alper, Lital Ozanovich, Idit Maimon, Roni Kagan, Roni Ben Hemo, Sharon Barbakov, Shahar Goldberg, Yael, Amit.
Music: The Knife/Local artists
Music Director: Matan Daskal